What does lamp symbolizes in the Bible?

A statement in the Bible that is closely associated with light is the lamp and the bucket: " You are the light of the world; the city built on a hill cannot be hidden. A man kindles a lamp, and does not put it under a bucket, but on a lampstand, to shine on all who are in the house."
This parable was told by Jesus several times, with different emphases, but the meaning is clear: the lamp is not lit to be placed under the bucket, but to be placed on the lampstand to shine. Light has the function of shining, guiding and warning, yet if a person both lights a lamp and covers up the light, his absurdity must not be understood. So, what kind of revelation did Jesus want to convey to us through such a paradoxical parable?
The bottom of the bucket and the lampstand were necessary household utensils for the Palestinians in Jesus' time. At that time, people lived in very small houses with little light except for a small round window in the wall. The so-called lamp was just a straw dipped in vegetable oil and lit. Since matches had not yet been invented, the Jews did not blow out the lamp immediately if they had to go out temporarily, but only moved it temporarily to a covered lampstand. This is what is called metaphorically "under the bucket", so that when they returned they did not have to relight it. Of course, once the lamp into the bucket under the light is weak, the room will also become dark. However, if there were people in the house, I am sure they would not put the lighted lamp under the bucket. In this connection, the previous sentence says, "You are the light of the world; the city built on a hill cannot be hidden." As Christians, we face the light of truth revealed by the Lord Jesus, and those who are enlightened by this light are to shine out the light of truth, but not to be hidden. So through the shining of Christians, it is possible for others to see the work and glory of the Lord.
The phrase "a man lights a lamp, and does not put it under a bucket," has another meaning, saying that a man lights a lamp, but then puts it under a bucket. Hiding the light under the bed means that ease and laziness prevent the shining of light. In arranging the parable of the sower, Jesus seems to be thinking primarily of the duties of the luminaries. Those who hear and understand him are like a lighted lamp, visible to anyone who enters the house. He added: " For there is no hidden thing that does not become manifest; there is no secret thing that is not known and made public." . Jesus clarified this phrase in his interpretation of the parable: "The hidden things" have been "made known". Hearing his explanation, they became stewards of the knowledge he had given them, and therefore had the responsibility to become masters. He emphasized the responsibility, adding: "You should be attentive to how you listen"; by being so attentive they could increase their knowledge. The receptive hearers increase their understanding; the sluggish and slow responders lose their knowledge. Therefore, the content is this: "To him who has, it will be given; and from him who does not have, even what he has will be taken away."
What is the significance of Jesus' parable of the lamp and the bucket for Christians today? I think the principles are, first of all, applicable to Christians in general. The "lamp" symbolizes the light of truth revealed by the Lord Jesus, and as every Christian has received this light through baptism, some have used this light to illuminate others and the world. Some have used this light to illuminate others and the world, but others have covered up or covered over this light. In this context, we can relate to our thinking and acting in our daily life today, and reflect on whether we are illuminating the earth with the light of Christ's truth in our concrete words and actions. For example, do we have the courage to admit that we are Christians in public, do we dare to introduce our faith to others, do we boldly proclaim the gospel of Christ to those who do not know Jesus, and do we wrap ourselves in a cloak so that no one can see the light of Christ. They even use "love of life" as a reason to forget the great love of the Father, the salvation of Christ, the favor of the Holy Spirit, and the eternal home of heaven. They focus only on immediate matters and are obsessed with the visible life of this world. Of course, these principles also apply to the followers of the Lord Jesus - the clergy who are devoted to the Church with their whole bodies. Have they now moved that light so that the light of Christ is obscured by ease or happiness or career?
This principle applies even to Jesus Himself, the parable of the lamp being used in the Old Testament of God's Holy Word: "Your word is a spiritual lamp before my steps, and a light for my path." Referring to the Word of God. "You, O Lord, are my torch, my God in heaven, to illuminate my darkness." The Lord illuminates the paths of His servants; He illuminates their darkness and is Himself "the lamp of Israel". But Israel's Messiah was also a lamp, for this is evident from the corresponding verse: "Here I will exalt the head of Dahmeh, and I will prepare a bright lamp for my recipients,". In the Jewish home, the lamp was bright all night long; its extinguishing foreshadowed misfortune and disaster. The extinguishing of the lamp of the wicked meant that death would come. For the horn of Dahmeh will sprout, and the offspring of Dahmeh will be immortal: Mercya is also a lamp that will never be extinguished. When Jesus prepared himself as a lamp lit by the Lord, did he think of this promise to guarantee that the darkness would not overwhelm him? If his disciples had related his language to the promises of the Old Testament in this way, they would have understood that his coming was not always for the rejection and disgrace of their testimony, but to be a bright light that shines forever.

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