DIY digital oil painting of digital oil painting maintenance tips.

DIY digital oil painting of digital oil painting maintenance tips.
Digital oil paintings can be preserved for two or three hundred years if they are well maintained. However, if not properly protected, some canvases may crack, peel and discolor after a few decades. Any organism in nature will gradually become old and worn out through the passage of time. In the evolution of various laws of nature, oil paintings also gradually appear various deterioration problems, and even face the bottleneck of preservation. So, how to protect your digital oil painting from damage?
First, after finishing the digital oil painting, when the paint is dry, brush a layer of special oil painting "varnish" evenly. The varnish can protect the picture pigment and canvas, and make the picture look brighter and have a better texture.
Second, when you roll the oil painting, you should lay a layer of transparent film paper on the front of the canvas, and roll the canvas outside the special hard paper tube, and then wrap it with bubble paper. This will ensure the oil painting is clean, not deformed and without creases.
Third, the oil painting should not be close to the two paintings face to face for a long time to avoid the temperature rising to make the picture pigments stick together, which will lead to the oil paint falling off and the picture being damaged.
Fourth, avoid poking the canvas with sharp objects during transportation. When transporting the oil painting, the front side of the painting should face itself, and at the same time, pay attention to the dirt and grease of fingers that may dirty the digital oil painting and pigment.
V. Choose the environment where the oil painting is hung to avoid long-term moisture and pollution.
Six, you can apply two thin layers of natural beeswax pre-dissolved in turpentine on the back of the canvas, which can completely prevent the damage caused by the immersion of humid air.
Seven, do not use chemicals such as aerosols and insecticides to spray against the oil painting.
If dust has fallen on the picture over time, use a brush to gently brush it off, or use a soft material that is half dry and half wet to wipe it. Oil paints are insoluble in water, but long-term moisture will change the color, so use wet towel to wipe lightly to grasp the proportion. If there is soot on the oil painting, you can use a small amount of light soapy water and water to gently try to scrub, then quickly take a sponge to dry the water on the screen, and then take an electric fan to lightly blow the surface of the oil painting. For oil painting of long age, professional varnish can be used to maintain the oil painting. Before spraying varnish, wipe the picture clean with a clean cloth.
Nine, in addition, if you encounter any problems on oil painting restoration, please leave it to professionals to help you.

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